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Birch Bark Biting Med. FR


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  • Custom framed one of a kind Birch Bark Biting
  • 13 x 9 inch frame. 6.5 x 3 inch biting 
  • Pat Bruderer was born in Churchill, Manitoba. She is Metis. Her mother belongs to the Peter Balantyne Band. Pat is the mother of five children. She lives on Mosakhiken Cree Nation reserve, Manitoba. Her interest in art began at an early age. Her mentor and teacher was her mother.
  • Birch Bark Biting is one of the oldest Indigenous  People’s art forms and is practiced by only a handful of artists throughout North America. Originally a Cree art form, these bitings recorded historical stories and ceremonies and competitions were held to see who could create the most elaborate designs. These detailed biting designs were also used to plan patterns for quillwork, bead work and silk embroidery. There are several stages to this amazing art process: harvesting layers of birch bark; separating and preparing the pieces of bark, selecting specific sizes and pieces; folding them two or more times into a triangle; and placing the bark between her teeth as artist visualizes a creation; using the eyeteeth to bite into the bark which leaves a permanent mark which then becomes an elaborate design. Many of the designs that are used have symbolical significance.